There are many different ways to access Worship Leader:
The Android version of the app is available from the Google Play store and also as a direct APK download and runs on all Android phones and tablets made since 2014 (Android 4.4). When it is started the first time it downloads the song database. After this, you don't need to be connected to the internet to view songs unless you want to listen to MP3s. The song database updates itself weekly if you are connected to the internet. To force an update simply press the 'Refresh Database' button from the Settings page.
The app integrates into various aspects of your phone meaning that you can easily share songs and sets via email, whatsapp etc. Upon receiving a link like this the app itself will open and import the set onto your device.

iPhone, iPad and iPod
The iOS version of the app is available from the Apple App Store. It requires iOS 9 or newer to run. When it is started the first time it downloads the song database. After this, you don't need to be connected to the internet to view songs unless you want to listen to MP3s. The song database updates itself weekly if you are connected to the internet. To force an update simply press the 'Refresh Database' button from the Settings page.
The app integrates into various aspects of your phone or tablet meaning that you can easily share songs and sets via email, whatsapp etc. Upon receiving a link like this the app itself will open and import the set onto your device.
Additionally, the app supports split-screen operation on newer Apple devices.
Worship Leader runs as a normal website from any web browser. If you use Google Chrome, it will download selected song databases to your computer for faster searching and browsing. If you use another browser, it sends all to the server which requires a live internet connection.
Chrome Extension and Edge Extension
Worship Leader is available as a Chrome Extension from the Chrome Store or Edge Extension from the Edge store which adds a button to the browser to open the app without requiring an internet connection. When it is started the first time it downloads the song database. After this, you don't need to be connected to the internet to view songs unless you want to listen to MP3s. The song database updates itself weekly if you are connected to the internet. To force an update simply press the 'Refresh Database' button from the Settings page.
Coupled with the projection functionality you can easily use this version of the app to project songs during a worship service. If you want to have more flexibility in projection, we recommend following the instructions on how to download the Worship Leader database to OpenSong which allows split-screen projection and Bible verse display.